The public prosecutor of Grenoble, Eric Vaillant, explains that Eya’s mother “could be reassured” on Friday after having had her daughter on the phone via the Danish consulate.
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Eya, the 10-year-old girl kidnapped Thursday in Isère by her father and found Friday in Denmark, “go find her mom today“, says Saturday May 27 on franceinfo Éric Vaillant, public prosecutor of Grenoble. The magistrate explains that the mother “could be reassured” Friday after talking to his daughter on the phone via the Danish consulate. This woman is now on the road to Denmark. “It’s really a relief for her, as well as for the police and magistrates who have handled this case.“, adds Eric Vaillant.
>> Disappearance of Eya: what we know about the kidnapping of the 10-year-old girl in Isère
The Grenoble prosecutor also gives news of the little girl’s state of health. According to his information, provided on Friday by the Danish authorities, Eya “is cared for by the Danish social services” Who “take the greatest care of her”. “She is completely safe,” says Éric Vaillant. He recognizes this says that the child “can only be traumatized by events like this”.
A “bluffing” international cooperation
The outcome of this case came on Friday “after more than 30 hours of abduction and investigation”. Thursday around 8:15 a.m., Eya was kidnapped on her way to her school in Fontaine (Isère) with her mother. Her father kidnapped her while an accomplice sprayed tear gas on the mother. On Friday, the two men were arrested. The prosecutor greets “the excellent international cooperation”, that he even judges “bluffing”. “We had a certain amount of information on people and vehicles, this information was communicated throughout Europe, all the European police officers were aware of it and that is how the Danes were able to intercept the father, his accomplice and find the little girl”specifies Éric Vaillant.
The magistrate recalls having “seized an examining magistrate” Friday and that “European arrest warrants have been issued”. The two suspects are now “in the hands of the Danish justice system which will hand them over [à la France] in the next few days or weeks”. Éric Vaillant indicates that the father was already the subject of a previous procedure concerning “domestic violence, for old facts and for which he could not be heard at the time“because this one”was in Tunisia until now”.