The 10 Ton Challenge of the Nantes association Tinhï Kmou

This Saturday, September 10, at the foot of the Tour de Bretagne in Nantes, the TINHI KMOU association is challenging itself to sell 10 tonnes of unsold food in the form of food products from Nantes markets, supermarkets, grocery stores and partner wholesalers. but also thrift and stationery. These products will be distributed free of charge, excluding the site access fee of €2 per person. This event is organized with the active support of loyal partners such as Phenix, Terreazur, Promocash Bon d’Ici, Le MIN de Nantes, Spar République, CHU de Nantes, etc.

Last year, this solidarity initiative attracted more than 2,000 people and distributed 7,862 Kg. The TINHI KMOU association hopes this year to reach the 10 ton mark and take up its challenge.

A beautiful musical atmosphere full of talents and rhythms will accompany this eco-responsible operation throughout the day, where significant indicators such as meal equivalence, waste avoided, CO2 impact, will be displayed.

See you, to take up the challenge, this Saturday, September 10, at the foot of the Tour de Bretagne in Nantes.

source site-35