the 1.2 billion euro school renovation project has started

“In 2022, 30 major renovation projects will be carried out”, announced the mayor, Benoît Payan.

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The socialist mayor of Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), Benoît Payan, gave, Wednesday, January 19, the kickoff of the school renovation plan with a budget of 1.2 billion euros. The city councilor, at the head of a union of the left, went for the occasion to the renovation site of the school group “Saint-Louis Gare”, in a popular district, which must be renovated by at the start of the 2023 school year.

“In 2022, 30 major renovation projects will be carried out”, announced Benoît Payan, promising to start 80 projects by the end of his mandate in 2026.

Initiated in October 2021 after a visit by President Emmanuel Macron, the renovation plan aims to rehabilitate all of Marseille’s 470 schools which accommodate some 80,000 children and of which around a third, 174, in a worrying state, must be completely renovated. . This plan benefits from exceptional state aid of 400 million euros. The State will also guarantee more than 650 million euros in loans out of the 800 million that the city of Marseille will mobilize.

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