“That’s what’s terrible”: Nathalie Marquay deprived of her ritual with Jean-Pierre Pernaut before her death

Nathalie Marquay was the guest of Do not touch My TV this Tuesday, May 17. Very moved by the idea of ​​evoking on a set the disappearance of her husband Jean-Pierre Pernaut, the former Miss France nevertheless remained dignified and strong to evoke the memory of the journalist, whose death upset the public. Cyril Hanouna, very friendly with the couple, wanted to know more about the last moments of Jean-Pierre Pernaut as a man and especially a husband. Nathalie Marquay therefore spoke of their last exchanges, far from being those which she expected.

It was difficult, complicated. He had his kidneys blocked, he was on dialysis and he was wandering a little” she explained. She also remembers that despite the optimism and the strength he showed until the end, Jean-Pierre Pernaut had perhaps understood that he would not get out of it. after his successful heart operation: “When he came out of his operation, I went back into the room. I said ‘Wow, you’re a warrior, you’re going to bury us all, you’re super strong, you know. You had heart surgery, you’re still here, I’m proud of you!” To which he replied with a wave of his hand, making it clear that he was not convinced that he was out of the woods.

During her stay at the Pompidou hospital in Paris, Nathalie Marquay came to visit Jean-Pierre Pernaut daily. Moments that she remembered with tenderness, while evoking one of her greatest regrets at the end, that of not having done as usual when leaving: “I left the hospital around 9 p.m. and that evening, the last time at 6:30 p.m., the doctors asked me to leave because they told me that I needed to rest.“In addition, the medical profession wanted to carry out new examinations, so her company was not essential. This is how she could not hug Jean-Pierre Pernaut as always.

Usually I kiss her all the time. There, I was at the end of his bed. (…) I was at his feet, I took his feet, I said ‘I love you my darling, don’t worry about the exam, I’ll be there tomorrow.’ I didn’t hug him like I did every night. That’s what’s terrible“Would the facts have been the same if their ritual had been respected? No one has the answer but Nathalie Marquay knows that Jean-Pierre is always by her side thanks to the many signs he sends her…

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