That’s Santa Boogie | A first duet for Gregory Charles and his daughter Julia

Here comes Santa Boogieis the title of the very first father-daughter duet recorded by Gregory Charles and Julia, a gift they offer and share in time for the Holidays.

The piece, an original composition, is in a way a response in French to the classic Santa Claus Got Stuck in My Chimney, by Ella Fitzgerald, Julia’s favorite Christmas song. “The beat is upbeat and imagining Santa Claus stuck in a chimney on Christmas Eve makes us both laugh,” Gregory Charles said in the release accompanying the song’s release. But as the piano duo could not find an equivalent in French, father and daughter challenged themselves to imagine one. It took them a few hours to compose a festive boogie, the flash of inspiration having come from seeing mum dancing after kissing Santa Claus.

“At the start, it was just for us, to please our family, then we thought of sharing our first father-daughter composition with all the families”, concludes the pianist, who confides in passing that he is a true music lover of Christmas ; Sacred hymns, American classics of the holiday season, Gospel, Beau Dommage… Christmas at the Charles rhymes with music.

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