“That’s my penis there!”, Guillaume Canet faced with an ultra embarrassing body search, his Instagram witness!

A somewhat embarrassing search. If Guillaume Canet returns to the poster with his new “baby” on February 1, 2023, Asterix and Obelix: The Middle Kingdom, the ex of Marion Cotillard is nonetheless present on social networks to interact with his audience. An audience that did not fail to react when it discovered the latest trailer for the film which highlights the most famous Gauls in the country.

For his future project, Guillaume Canet saw things big and made the choice to call great actors, but also other personalities, who seem to have convinced viewers. Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Vincent Cassel, Gilles Lellouche, Angèle, or even Laure Felpin will be part of the project but also Jul! No, the rapper is not in the cast but will still be present through Vincent Cassel as evidenced by the latest trailer posted online.

Touch hands

As a reminder, the ex of Monica Bellucci will play the role of Julius Caesar. Who says Julius Caesar also says “Jul” Caesar for those close to him. Three letters that obviously speak to the French and on which Guillaume Canet wanted to play. This is why it is possible to see the actor making the Marseille UFO sign to present himself to his men in the teaser for the next Asterix. A sequence which did not fail to cause hilarity on the Web and which seems to have touched the artist a lot. “I was not ready” announced the rapper from Marseille a bit moved.

And speaking of hilarity, Guillaume Canet again making the majority of his community laugh with his latest video shared in story. A video in which it is possible to discover a man being searched by two police officers who want to know about the “object” which was in his crotch. “What is this ?”asks an agent to the man arrested before he specifies: “It’s my penis”. “Ah is that your penis? Ok”, noted the agent a bit embarrassed.

To see also: Marion Cotillard inconsolable: her better half is defending herself under her eyes…


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