“That’s how we do it”: After his slap at the Oscars, Will Smith receives support from his son Jaden

If we had to remember a moment from this 94th Oscars ceremony, it would not be the Best Picture Oscar given to CODA (remake of The Aries Family), nor the one for Jessica Chastain… No, we would surely remember the monumental slap that Will Smith gave to the presenter of the evening, Chris Rock after a joke about his wife, surprising the whole room.

A moment that had not been prepared and which had a resounding buzz, everyone reacting to know if the comedian’s joke on Jada Pinkett Smith’s alopecia was going too far or if, on the contrary, it is the actor who had completely overreacted.

Just before the incident, Chris Rock had indeed greeted Jada, and had laughed saying “Jada, I love you, GI Jane 2, looking forward to this“, referring to her shaved head, when she actually suffers from an illness. The actress then rolled her eyes, triggering the fury of her husband who then screamed “I don’t want to hear my wife’s name in your fucking mouth anymore!

A reaction that pleased his son Jaden, 23. While the young actor wasn’t in the room to support his father, he was very active on Twitter and praised the way his father stood up for his mother. “That’s how we do it at home“, he wrote, shortly after the end of the evening. The young boy, who had started his career in the magnificent film In search of happinessprobably did not appreciate the joke about his mother, indeed.

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