“That’s how I love you”: Summer is made to kill

Warning: the second season of That’s how I love youwhich takes place in 1975, the International Women’s Year, begins in much the same way as the first, which was camped the summer before.

In a leap forward, Claude Gingras (Sébastien Rajotte) makes a macabre discovery in the Paquette swimming pool. What year does this scene take place? According to François Létourneau, who sees the series as a trilogy, it is the year 1976. But to know what will happen that summer, Radio-Canada will have to give the green light for a third season.

“It always depends on the success of the second; if it’s a flop, there may not be one, but I think season 2 is good, the screenwriter said during a virtual press briefing on Tuesday. I feel like the story is not over. If it ends like the end of season 2, it’s a bit depressing…”

A summer in Sainte-Foy

First Canadian TV series selected at the Berlinale and winner of 10 Gémeaux awards, That’s how I love you generated the highest subscription rate on Tou.tv’s Extra when it was released in March 2020. It would therefore be surprising if the adventure ended in a fishtail.

Especially since, according to the first two episodes unveiled to the press, the new adventures of the gang of Huguette Delisle (Marilyn Castonguay), caïd in place of Caïd (René-Richard Cyr), are just as announced. jubilant.

A year after plunging, not without delight, into crime, the Delisles and the Paquettes are eager to regain control of their empire while their children, with the exception of baby Cécile, are at summer camp. In addition to the ambient violence and threats from sexist criminals, the two couples from Sainte-Foy must face their marital problems.

Having become a better father for his son, the clumsy Gaétan wants to win back the implacable Huguette, who prefers his new colleague and protege of Robert Bourassa (Claude-Michel Bleau), answering to the name of… Gaétan (Steve Laplante). Among the Paquettes, the macho Serge (Patrice Robitaille) and the uninhibited Micheline (Karine Gonthier-Hyndman) choose free love rather than separation. On the point of marrying the naive Lucien (Jean-François Provençal), who has become Huguette’s receptionist, the fierce Marie-Josée (Sophie Desmarais), a Maoist lesbian, remains Serge’s mistress. Loving parties as much as Micheline, police officers Coco (Mani Soleymanlou) and Puff (Mathieu Gosselin) complete the portrait.

Other characters will be added to the picture, including an attractive woman linked to Montreal organized crime played by Charlotte Le Bon and a comic tandem of Montreal criminals defended by Mikhaïl Ahooja and Gabriel Cloutier-Tremblay. The only “Invincible” not to have had a role in the series, Pierre-François Legendre will make a short appearance at the end of the season.

“I gave it my all in writing,” says François Létourneau. People will find the universe they loved, but I allowed myself to go elsewhere. Season 2 is a little bit more complex, there are more layers, we go into a little more gritty, sometimes tragic areas, but it’s just as funny as the first season. »

war of the sexes

Directed with four hands, Robin Aubert having joined Jean-François Rivard behind the camera, That’s how I love you will reserve its share of surprises for the spectators. Remember this great moment of anthology that is the orgy scene shot in a sequence shot…

“We don’t want to burn punch, but we are going to areas where we did not go in season 1, says Jean-François Rivard. We went less into the technical challenges, such as the sequence shots, than into the intensity and the subject of the scenes, which go into reversals that we do not expect. »

“On several occasions, I said to myself, while watching certain scenes, that I was witnessing something that I had never done before. It was really rewarding, ”says filmmaker Robin Aubert, to whom we owe the excellent zombie film The hungry.

If the trio does not want to reveal too much about the intrigues, we guess that in this International Year of the Woman, they will present even more friction between the ladies and their companions.

“What makes the series, which creates the comedy, interesting is that Gaétan and Serge are men of their time, with the faults of the time, which still exist a lot in men today. I didn’t talk about him much when I was promoting Season 1 because he was still alive, but I drew a lot of inspiration from my dad and mom, who had a very difficult relationship. I put that a lot in the two couples. The real threat to the clan comes from within,” summarizes François Létourneau.

That’s how I love you

The first six episodes on Tou.tv Extra from March 3. The last four episodes on Tou.tv Extra from March 10.

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