“That’s 60,000 tonnes less CO2 carbon footprint” explains La Poste

La Poste announced this Thursday morning several changes to its mail range, which will be implemented on January 1, 2023. We are modernizing our range of mail to meet the new uses of our customers“, said Thursday July 21 on franceinfo Philippe Dorge, spokesperson for La Poste. The red stamp for priority letters distributed in one day “becomes the red e-letter for urgent needs“. La Poste wants to reduce its carbon footprint in this way.

franceinfo: Why are you removing the red stamp?

Philip Dorge: On is modernizing our range of mail to meet the new uses of our customers. The proportion of urgent items in the mail fell sharply. The priority letter is 300 million folds out of 7 billion letters, so 4%. For urgent shipments, we use less mail. Thus, we transform it, it becomes the red e-letter for urgent needs.

Everyone can both be at the post office or at home, scan or have scanned a document which will be printed by the Post Office overnight, automatically enveloped with a red stamp which will remain and will be distributed the next day by the postman . This will cost significantly very little more since we will be on a price of 1.49 euros versus 1.43 euros today.

Is it the shipment in one day that disappears then?

It is the physical transport that changes to have a much more ecological range. With this system, we will be able to eliminate the three daily return flights, these 20 tons of kerosene, each day, which are consumed in this way. We will go from 212,000 km traveled to 138,000 km traveled per day.

It is the physical transport that changes to have a much more ecological range.

Philippe Dorge, spokesperson for La Poste

at franceinfo

The green stamp will change from 2 days to 3 days. Won’t that make you lose customers?

Over the past two years, 22,000 customers, individuals, professionals and businesses have been questioned. They were widely consulted. They tell us that our range more or less fast, that’s not the point.

Today, we either have regular mailing needs, or large mailings for which we want service. We want to know if the letter has arrived. We want to have the information, a traceability of these letters. Beyond the red letter, there is a green letter for regular mail which is delivered on D+3, but at the same price, and a new turquoise blue service+ letter. There will be a follow-up. You will receive the information that the letter has arrived. You will be able to send it without moving. The postman will come to your home to pick it up.

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