“That we leave civilian populations hungry is unbearable,” criticizes François Hollande

The former president calls for elections in Israel and the West Bank to have interlocutors ready to negotiate peace.


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François Hollande, former President of the Republic, April 4, 2024 on France Inter.  (FRANCE INTER / RADIO FRANCE)

“It’s no longer bearable”, laments Thursday April 4 on France Inter François Hollande, former President of the Republic about the situation in the Gaza Strip. The former head of state judges “intolerable” that we “leaves civilian populations to starve, with women unable to even heal themselves or achieve a level of dignity in their daily lives.”

François Hollande recalls that there was “solidarity with Israel after October 7 and this unbearable massacre committed by a terrorist organization”. But he calls for the same regard with regard to Gazans. “Whether we are Americans, Europeans, or citizens of the world, we all have to say enough”he adds.

The former socialist president believes that he “must now be some form of pressure” to exercise in order to push “the cessation of fighting, [au] ceasefire and [au] peace process”. He recognizes that this will be “hard because Benyamin Netanyahu hears nothing and is himself in a headlong rush.” François Hollande particularly mentions the “demonstrations” of opponents and families of hostages that occurred in Israel. He therefore calls for early legislative elections “in Israel”, but also elections “as much as possible in the West Bank, because there too we have a Palestinian Authority which is not an interlocutor who has all the necessary legitimacy.”

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