“That wasn’t the deal!” : Léa Salamé forced to intervene between Eric Zemmour and Yannick Jadot

The agenda of the journalist and presenter Léa Salamé is more than loaded in these times of French presidential election and in the context of the war in Ukraine. This March 17, 2022, she hosted alongside Laurent Guimier a new edition of the political program ofand prime time from France 2, Elysee 2022. Opposite her were Eric Zemmour, a former columnist and polemicist whom she had already met on television sets, and Yannick Jadot. She had to use patience and firmness to bring to a successful conclusion the debate between these two politicians whom everything opposes.

That was not the deal!“, proclaimed Léa Salamé facing the leader of reconquest and to that ofEurope Ecology the Greens. The two politicians fought over issues related to those planned as soon as they came face to face. When Eric Zemmour thanks her for bringing the debate back to the planned topics, the host took care to specify that she is not targeting one of the guests in particular: “No, I say it for both. That wasn’t the deal. The idea was to talk about the European Union. Now stop. We turn the page.“Then, addressing Eric Zemmour who obviously has not finished fighting, she throws at him:”No, don’t come back. Do you want us to move on or not?

A tense exchange in which the television figure seems to play the role of a school teacher facing two students who are constantly arguing. A debate not really audible, the pressure of the election obviously putting the candidates on edge, attacking them with spades rather than substantive reflections. Léa Salamé will end later with a very firm “Stop”, then specifying: “It’s really hard, I’ve done a lot but there…”

At 42, Léa Salamé can boast of solid experience in debating against virulent personalities. The companion of Raphaël Glucksmann and mother of their son Gabriel nevertheless recently showed her emotion on France Inter, after the overwhelming chronicle of her colleague Sonia Devillers on the terrible situation in Ukraine.

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