The First Secretary of the PS Olivier Faure denounces the “contempt” and “the provocation” of the Head of State, and affirms that “the fight” against the pension reform will continue.
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“It says something about the feverishness by Emmanuel Macron, he tried to knock us out”, estimated Olivier Faure, First Secretary of the Socialist Party, on Saturday April 15 on France Inter, while the pension reform was promulgated overnight after the Constitutional Council had validated the essentials of the reform on Friday, including the postponement of starting age at 64. A promulgation to “3h28, it’s not trivial”, points out Olivier Faure.
“It says something about his feverishness”
“Emmanuel Macron is in a headlong rush but the French will not let him do it”, indicates @faureolivier after the promulgation of the pension reform law #le69Inter
– France Inter (@franceinter) April 15, 2023
Laurent Berger, the secretary general of the CFDT, had asked Emmanuel Macron on Friday not to promulgate the law this weekend. “There is contempt as much as provocationaccording to Olivier Faure. This president thinks he’s Jupiter and doesn’t have to answer to anyone. He walks alone.” Olivier Faure believes that “the left and environmentalists” have “a huge hope to be raised to avoid chaos winning.” Like the inter-union, Olivier Faure calls on employees to demonstrate on May 1 and to make it “of this movement a historic movement.”
>> Political reactions after the decision of the Constitutional Council
“We will continue the fight”
To get things going, “We are going to table a bill which will make it possible to go back to article 7 which makes it possible to go from 62 to 64 years old.” In this way, the debate can “to take place again in the hemicycle, a debate that the president wanted to interrupt with 49.3. We are going to continue the legislative harassment with current issues, we are going to continue on all the texts where we can table amendments that allow go back on this law.” Olivier Faure wants to show Emmanuel Macron that “we are not going to give up and that we are going to continue the fight.”
>> Alexis Corbière: “Popular rejection remains and nothing stops”
The left will file a new request for a shared initiative referendum (RIP) while the first was rejected by the Constitutional Council. This takes into account “remarks made by the members of the Council, and I hope that this time he will hear and allow a referendum”explained Olivier Faure. “The only way out is to go back to the people.”