that Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron propose on teachers’ salaries

Two days before the second round of the presidential election, the two finalists are refining, modifying and developing their measures to try to capture voters who are still undecided. Teachers, for example, have had details in recent days on the candidates’ plans for them and in particular on their remuneration.

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Emmanuel Macron has evolved on the subject. Just last week, he said he did not believe in a “homogeneous upgrading of all teachers”. He defended a “pact” : extra salary for those and only those who do extra work, such as replacements for colleagues or help with homework.

But on Wednesday, during the debate between the two rounds, the outgoing president changed his position, which he confirmed on Friday April 22 on France Inter. It now evokes a “revaluation without consideration, for all”, at an overall level of approximately 10%. The objective is that no teacher is paid less than 2,000 euros. The 800,000 teachers in France will not be increased by 10%, his campaign team specifies after the fact, this is a “magnitude”, we are told. His entourage refers all the details to the consultation he wants to carry out quickly, if he is re-elected with union representatives and local elected officials.

This increase is in addition to that for teachers who would agree to work more. A second increase which could go up to 20% But we have no details on the financing. Emmanuel Macron has always mentioned an envelope of six billion euros for these increases but it was at that time only for the additional missions and not the 10% for all.

The outgoing president wants to continue the small salary increases already started during his five-year term, especially for the beginnings and mid-careers. Jean-Michel Blanquer had already for several years had the objective of no teacher for less than 2,000 euros by 2024. The candidate therefore now wishes to continue this trajectory and gives a shorter objective with January 2023.

The representative of the National Rally plans to increase all teachers by 3% per year, over the entire five-year period, or more than 15% after five years. The measure is estimated at four billion euros and its financing would be, according to its programme, “largely covered by a reduction in administrative expenditure within the ministry”. We do not know more, the sums are still important.

But this general increase is added to another proposal. That of adding a half-day on Wednesday morning to the week of schoolchildren. Marine Le Pen wants more hours of French lessons, maths and French history. These additional teaching hours would also be paid to teachers, promises the candidate. But this line does not appear in its table of costing of the program, accessible to the public.

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