that day when Cauet asked him “to stop his circus”!

This Tuesday, March 14, 2023, Sébastien Cauet had the merit of making the buzz on Twitter. And for good reason, the main interested party relayed an intriguing snapshot putting him in the spotlight in the company of Cécile de Ménibus. Facing the camera, the duo pose proudly on a TV set where we can read in the background: “The Cauet Method”. Additionally, the host simply wrote in the caption while tagging C8 : “Soon”.

In the thread of comments on his post, many Internet users reacted: “What good news, this show was a breath of fresh air”, “Too good with Cécile and more”, “I loved this show”, “Best news of the week”. As a reminder, this flagship program was broadcast every Thursday on TF1 in the second part of the evening between 2003 and 2008. On a daily basis, Sébastien Cauet and his sidekick received countless international stars. Having a finger sensor, their guests had to answer their daring questions.

But in 2006, the arrival of Rocco Siffredi in “CauetTivi” did not go as planned… In full live, the former pornographic actor mimed a sexual act on Cécile de Ménibus without her consent. However, his inappropriate behavior only elicited laughter from the congregation. This incident also shocked the latter enormously. “When we were backstage – he’s 1.90m – he grabbed my neck and stuck his tongue in my mouth,” entrusted the host to our colleagues from Tele-Leisure in 2017.

And to specify not without bitterness: “I had to call security. […]. That’s all I hate. It’s actually rape. Neither more nor less rape. […] He’s a boor who thinks he’s allowed everything because he has a name”. For Pure Media the same year, Sébastien Cauet affirmed that his colleague was going too far by evoking this affair at all costs: “I called Cécile and told her to stop her circus. Sorry, but… I told her to stop bringing that thing out every time […] Because each time, it’s me who takes behind “. For the former star presenter of TF1his colleague would have “heated” Rocco Siffredi.

see also:

“This sequence did not shock anyone…”

“For him (Rocco Siffredi editor’s note) it’s still a joke. At the time, this sequence didn’t shock anyone, it was put on DVDs, validated by Cécile. It’s not elegant, of course. It was under the sign of the joke”, defended Sébastien Cauet. “I don’t think he thought he was doing anything wrong… At one point, we said ‘It’s good’. Other than that, we couldn’t get him out through security. And after that streak, he did great for the rest of the show!”

ATIn the eyes of the imitator, Cécile de Ménibus would not have been attacked by the X film producer “I think a lot of women in everyday life are genuinely abused and can’t complain. Don’t confuse that with a Rocco Siffredi who isn’t gallant and doesn’t quite realize what he does”. A release that caused a stir at the time…


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