that day when Alain-Fabien said his mother “deserved” to be beaten

Anthony, Anouchka and Alain Fabien Delon have been at war with each other since the start of 2024, multiplying explosive interviews and damning posts. Except that for the actor’s last two children, they came from the same bed. Rosalie van Breemen was Alain Delon’s companion between 1987 and 2001. This January 18, 2024, Gala wonders about the role played by the mother of the two youngest children in this major conflict.

“My mother experienced violence from my father…”

Our colleagues report that Rosalie van Breemen “would have left the island of Sylt, his refuge in northern Germany for around ten years” to join Douchy, the residence of Alain Delon, in Loiret, on January 6, 2024. She would live there with her son, to whom she would like “bring a little comfort” specifies this same source.

A relationship that is getting better, according to the weekly, which believes that Rosalie has forgiven Alain Fabien for his very harsh words, which he said in the Italian Vanity Fair, in 2013. Capucine Anav’s ex then threw out : “
My mother experienced violence at the hands of my father, eight broken ribs and a broken nose twice, but she deserved it. Every time I saw violence being unleashed on her, I thought that God was punishing her for her wickedness.”

“I too have conflicting relationships with…”

It must be said that on the other hand, with Anouchka, relations would not be the best… According to Gala, “for four years, mother and daughter, would share very little. A detention prevents them from doing so”. To the point where Anouchka could have tackled her mother, on January 7, 2024, on the 8 p.m. news on TF1. Faced with Audrey Crespo-Mara, she had in fact admitted: “I too have conflicting relationships with other members of my family. It doesn’t change that I love them and vice versa.”


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