“Thanks to medical advice, it will be possible to leave earlier”, assures Olivier Véran

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08:53 : Regarding the work of seniors, aged 50 to 64, the government plans to set up an index of companies with more than 300 employees to rehabilitate their seniors. What will happen if they don’t play the game? “There may be financial penalties for the company”replies Olivier Véran.

08:50 : Regarding theminimum pension”Olivier Véran confirms that he will be “increased by 100 euros gross per month” on average for “2 million retirees”. “They will see their pension increased to 1,200 euros gross per month”adds the government spokesperson, according to which the measure must come into force from September 2023.

08:53 : Olivier Véran returns to the consideration of arduous work. “That too is a novelty. From now on, thanks to a medical opinion, it will be possible to leave earlier [à partir de 61 ans]. Today, we want to prevent professional wear and tear”assures the government spokesperson, explaining that it will be “rather on occupational medicine than things rest”. This visit will be “systematic”he says.

08:42 : ? “This is a project that we are going to present to the Council of Ministers and which will then be examined by Parliament. We want to go all the way”, assumes Olivier Véran. “The Prime Minister has already internalized, integrated the proposals of the groups, including LRs. https://t.co/WH3S5tS0lq

08:41 : “HAS all the retirees who listen to us, the only risk is to see their pensions revalued. So it’s not a risk but an opportunity.”continues Olivier Véran.

08:52 : Asked about the union front against the reform, with a demonstration scheduled for January 19, Olivier Véran replies that it does not don’t be afraid”. “The protest will not magically balance a financially unbalanced pension system. (…) In ten years, if we explained to them that for lack of reform, our system can no longer hold and that pensions must be lowered urgently, these same French people would not be happy”he adds.

08:52 : Olivier Véran, spokesman for the government, is the guest of the morning of franceinfo. He will answer questions from 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. from franceinfo listeners, viewers and internet users. You can ask him your questions by clicking here.

08:13 : On franceinfo, the president of the French Confederation of Retired Persons, Pierre Erbs, believes that the extension “the number of quarters”or the extension of the contribution period, “would have sufficed”. But he will not call for demonstrations alongside the Intersyndicale on January 19.

08:07 : ?? “The financial balance of pensions will be guaranteed in 2030” How will the retirement at 1200 € be financed for all? @BrunoLeMaire evokes possible leads. #Les4V #DirectAN https://t.co/cFJuMbLzCN

08:00 : ?? “There is neither brutality nor imbalance but the justice of a preserved solidarity system” @BrunoLeMaire responds to the critics of the #ReformeDesRetraites and encourages the combination of retirement / employment. #Les4V #DirectAN https://t.co/QFXqfkJPzo

08:08 : Bruno Le Maire was the guest of “4 Truths” this morning on France 2. “There is neither brutality nor imbalance but the justice of a preserved solidarity system”assured the Minister of the Economy about the pension reform. “The financial balance of pensions will be guaranteed in 2030”promises the minister.

07:32 : Olivier Véran, spokesman for the government, is the exceptional guest of franceinfo this morning and will answer questions from 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. from franceinfo listeners, viewers and internet users. Legal age, annuities, long careers and employment of seniors, hardship… You can ask him your questions by clicking here.

07:30 : Hello @Groom. We precisely explain in this article by my colleague Alice Galopin the difference between the legal age of departure, 64 years from 2030 with the reform, and the age of the full rate, 67 years maximum, regardless of the number of quarters. contributed.

07:30 : Would it be possible to make clear to your readers that legal age does not mean full rate and that people who have done a minimum of studies will not retire at 64 but no longer at 66, 67. This figure 64-year-old totally misleads the reader.

07:10 : The cross also puts pensions on the front page but on the social protest and trade union front in the face of this reform. The unions are preparing to mobilize from January 19.

07:11 : Let’s take a look around the newsstand. Unsurprisingly, the pension reform announced yesterday by the government is on the front page of several headlines, including Liberation, Le Parisien or Alsace.


07:15 : Is the specter of a political deadlock receding? The government should be able to rely on the right to avoid having recourse to 49.3, this article of the Constitution which allows it to pass in force. But to keep to its schedule, with the implementation of the reform in early September, the executive could resort to an article of the Constitution which allows it to go faster in the face of parliamentarians. Explanations with Margaux Duguet.

07:21 : Here is the first point on the news of the morning:

The day after the presentation of the pension reform, the battle is launched: the unions are preparing to mobilize from January 19, in a united front against the postponement of the legal age to 64 years. Government spokesperson Olivier Véran will be the guest of “8:30 a.m. from franceinfo” this morning, you can ask him all your questions here.

• The Golden Globes have made a comeback on television yesterday and notably rewarded the director Steven Spielberg for his film The Fabelmans.

Russian bombardments hit Kharkiv last night, hours after the surprise visit to this city in northeastern Ukraine by the head of German diplomacy, Annalena Baerbock, with her Ukrainian counterpart.

It’s the opening of the sales today. A period that is still buoyant in terms of consumption, despite inflation, and which ends on February 7th.

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