Barely a month and a half after its opening, 80 kilos of potatoes have already been harvested. The ten volunteers from the municipal orchard of Audun-le-Tiche in the Pays Haut take care of the 22 ares of this unique place, even during the summer. The crops have already taken place, but there are still a few rows of purple potatoes, onions, or cabbage.
Since its opening, the volunteers gathered around Gaultier Berera, deputy for the environment of the municipality, have rolled up their sleeves on all fronts. Initiated by the municipality in 2020, this garden takes place on abandoned land and pays homage to the allotment gardens of yesteryear, very present in the Fensch Valley.
Flowers, fruits and vegetables for all
Since its opening, the volunteers gathered around Gaultier Berera, deputy for the environment of the municipality, have rolled up their sleeves on all fronts. The idea is to provide gardening, harvesting organic fruits and vegetablesas well as animating a place of life and safeguarding biodiversity, all with a strong social vocation. Part of the vegetables harvested, organically, is offered to the most precarious inhabitants of the commune, thanks to humanitarian associations and the CCAS. By planting a lot more than there are volunteers, the surpluses are significant and mechanically, so are the donations.
Boosted by shared compost and the experience of passionate gardeners and volunteers like Ernest, a 76-year-old retiree, the first harvests are abundant and a good part will be given to the poorest in the town. “Anyone who needs it is welcome” he slips into a broad smile. He further specifies that next year there will be fruit because many fruit trees have been planted for this purpose, such as apple trees, cherry trees, quince trees and mirabelle plums, Lorraine obliges.
Gaultier Berera adds that each tree corresponds to a birth in the town, identified by means of a ribbon. For these trees he concedes that this 1st year, “the harvest is quite poor”, but it takes date”that in a few months he will be able to distribute fruit to many, many people“. He himself, like the volunteers, spared no effort to make this vegetable garden a flower garden particularly appreciated by the inhabitants. The neighborhood was quick to come and lend a hand to the volunteers. The ambition of the municipal orchard is is to be a virtuous circle, at the service of the inhabitants.
– Alexandre Mottot
Everyone puts their stone to the building
A kiosk and garden tables attest to the desire of create a friendly place, while sparing market gardening and relaxation areas. Everyone gets involved and the young people of the MJC of Audun-le-Tiche have even made the garden scarecrownicknamed “Joe”.
Came accompanied by her father Thierry, also a volunteer, the young 6-year-old Mélissa waters the plants and appreciates the conviviality of the place. Thierry considers the time spent here as a whole. He modestly admits his satisfaction by admitting that the organic, the collective energy, and especially this generosity of the baskets offered to those who need it give all its meaning to the vegetable garden. He also does not hide his taste, shared with his daughter for fruit trees but also insects and bees. In fact such a garden also serves to introduce the youngest to nature.
The orchard also has “insect hotels”, constructions intended to collect solitary bees, butterflies or others. These constructions have the form of three letters ALT like Audun-Le-Tiche. Another part of the garden is entirely reserved for birds, a space labeled by the LP O the league for the protection of birds.
– Alexandre Mottot