Thanks to her 3D printed hand, a new life begins for little Lou-Ange


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Born with a malformation of the hand, Lou-Ange, 10 years old, received a brand new prosthesis. A volunteer made it with his 3D printer. A new life begins for the little girl. #TheyHaveTheSolution

Lou-Ange lives in Sedan with his family and suffers from a congenital malformation of his right hand. Not easy for the 10-year-old girl to live with only six fingers. The five of his left hand and the thumb of his right hand.

But Lou-Ange received a gift that will change his life. She had been waiting for him for a long time. A 3D resin prosthesis to compensate for the malformation in his hand. This hand was made in just thirty hours by a private individual in his workshop. All thanks to a simple 3D printer. The benefactor is called Patrick Brancos. He has already made three.

We choose the model of the hand according to the person, we take the files, we put them in the size of the hand and then we import them into this software.

Patrick Brancos

amateur prosthesis manufacturer

Patrick Brancos provides these devices free of charge to people without fingers or wrists. A new life begins for Lou-Ange. The 10-year-old girl will have to adapt to her new right hand.

Trying to write, tying my shoelaces, grabbing glasses and lots of other things.

Lou-Ange Rondot

beneficiary of the prosthesis

Partrick Brancos is what is called a “maker”. He works in conjunction with the e-nable association, which provides free equipment to people who need them. The devices can be operated by the wrist or by the elbow. It is therefore essential to have an operational wrist or elbow to be able to use them.

There are about ten models of hands. Each time with a unique look and characteristics. Each model produced is also sent to the association for validation before being given to the beneficiary. About 450 makers work to improve the daily lives of people living with this disability in France.


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