Thank you, supporters!

I would have preferred to write these words in a week, after celebrating a historic first victory in the LPHF final, but that is not what was written in the script for our season. This time away between our last game against Boston and today allowed me to look back on what we collectively experienced this year. And what a year it was!

This Professional Women’s Hockey League is the culmination of a common vision, a collective dream and hard teamwork. I am extremely proud of the product we offered to the public and grateful for the support we received everywhere.

The Montreal market spoiled us with its welcome. We felt from our first skate that we had the support of the Quebec public and it only grew during the season. Whether at home, at the Verdun Auditorium, for the inaugural game, at Place Bell during the playoffs or at the Bell Centre, where we experienced a historic moment, our fans have always been there .


Players from the Montreal team at the Bell Centre, April 20

My teammates experienced great emotions, and I will have lifelong chills and lasting memories of the great show of love that I received from the 21,105 spectators who attended the match on April 20, 2024.

People who know me know that I thrive on performance and victories. A job well done and hard work. To dedication and recognition. In this regard, I can say that we succeeded in our team challenge.

Victory isn’t always measured by medals around your neck or trophies on the mantelpiece. Winning is also the progress we make every day, as players and especially as humans. What I’ve seen on my Montreal team and across the league this season are players who have earned the love of their fans, the respect of their peers and the chance to make a living from their passion.


Marie-Philip Poulin, captain of the Montreal team

To all the young girls who have followed us, I have a message for you: in your journey, you will face adversity, failures and defeats. See these obstacles as a stepping stone and not an end in themselves. We grow much more in difficult times than on an already mapped out path. With will and passion, all goals are achievable.

Before telling you next time, I would like to thank the media who followed us during the season, our official broadcasters, the partners who were very numerous to embark on the LPHF adventure, the coaching staff and support of the Montreal team, my extraordinary teammates and finally you, fans, who showed us that our market was more than ripe for a professional women’s hockey team. I look forward to seeing you again in the fall!

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