“Thank you my lover”: Madly in love with Gérard, Véronika Loubry celebrates an important anniversary

Thanking”his lover“to have crossed his path, she ends on a nice note:”This puzzle is beautiful…“. A beautiful declaration for the one who had explained that after his breakup with Patrick Blondeau, the father of her children, Thylane and Ayrton, Gérard had “rekindled the flame“. A beautiful confession made a year ago, in the columns of Gala.

I only devoted myself to the education of my children, I had forgotten that I could be a woman“, she had recounted. “And then one day, he rekindled the flame and said to me: ‘This other part of our life, we are going to do it together.’“. A sentence that had seduced her and a lover who continues to fill her with happiness on a daily basis.

Both live in a magnificent villa in the South of France where they often bring together their blended family: Gérard Kadoche is the father of two grown-up daughters and already a grandfather. Véronika Loubry, meanwhile, had two children with her ex-husband: Thylane, who at 21 is already an accomplished model and potentially engaged to her boyfriend Ben Attal, and her little brother Ayrton, 15, plus discreet.

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