“Thank you for having had this audacity”: Valérie Pécresse crushes Eric Ciotti and wins the primary of the right

A clear victory: this Saturday, December 4, 2021, Valérie Pécresse was nominated as the right-wing candidate in the 2022 presidential election after handily winning the primary of the Les Républicains party. She largely beat Eric Ciotti, who came first in the first round.

It’s with a score of 60.95% of the vote against 39.05% that Valérie Pécresse won the right-wing primary. A real satisfaction for the 54-year-old politician, who had received the support of her rivals Xavier Bertrand, Michel Barnier and Philippe Juvin after their elimination from the first round. From the party headquarters, she spoke. “Thank you for having had this audacity ” to nominate a first female candidate from the right, she said. “I will show myself worthy of it (…) The Republican right is back, the right of convictions, the right of solutions (…) I commit to it, we are going to restore French pride and protect the French“, she added.

The victory of Valérie Pécresse, current president of the Ile-de-France region, scares all the way to the Elysee Palace, where it is considered dangerous. To the point of harming the re-election of Emmanuel Macron, not yet a candidate for a second term? It could bring together the traditional right but also a part of the hard right, which flirts with the extreme right thanks to some of its positions on security or immigration.

If Valérie Pécresse undoubtedly enjoys having been chosen by the militants for the presidential election, does her clan share the same enthusiasm? Her husband Jérôme must be delighted but her children must fear the media overexposure that is being prepared … As a reminder, she is the mother of three children: Baptiste (25 years old), Clément (23 years old) who had been arrested in possession of cannabis in 2016 – and Émilie (18 years old).

During the presidential election, she will face her in particular Marine Le Pen (RN), Anne Hidalgo (PS), Yannick Jadot (EELV) or even Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI), Eric Zemmour …

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