Thank you cards for Vladimir Putin

Despite the retching caused by the massive destruction of the Russian army, some leaders should send thank you cards to Vladimir Putin for his war in Ukraine.

First, Emmanuel Macron, who is trying to get re-elected. The invasion of Ukraine has dealt a severe blow to the credibility of many of its opponents. Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Éric Zemmour all praised Putin before the fighting began. Their lack of judgment is too serious for them to hide. Macron emerged as a head of state of international stature, even if he failed to influence Putin.

Chrystia Freeland could also send a card. She was able to demonstrate her specialization in Russian studies. Next to her, Justin Trudeau and Mélanie Joly look like kindergarten children. This will benefit him in the next PLC leadership race.

China and Taiwan

The Taiwanese are also indebted to Putin. Xi Jinping’s government is watching reactions to Ukraine’s attempted annexation with concern. The parallel with Taiwan is easy. Beijing could fight more effectively than Moscow against economic sanctions similar to those imposed on the Russian economy, but at what cost? Taiwan can therefore breathe a little, for the moment. The invasion of Ukraine could even encourage China to move away from a Russia that has become too unstable.

NATO leaders should also send a nice card to Putin. They who, since the fall of the USSR, no longer really knew what NATO was for, now praise the foresight of the organization’s founders. They would have grasped the intrinsic threat that Russia has always posed to free Europe.

The leaders of the European Union are happy with the beautiful rediscovered family unity. After Brexit, the procrastination of Germany or Hungary, now all countries are speaking with one voice against Russia. Even Switzerland has come out of its legendary neutrality and moved closer to the European Union. And Turkey is once again making eyes at Europe.

Ukrainians themselves could thank Putin for the Ukrainian national unity that is growing stronger in the fight against Russia, regardless of people’s Russian or Ukrainian origins. Of course, the Ukrainians would have preferred not to suffer this terrible war.

Wrong notes

A few false notes would still be audible in this concert of thanks.

The Israeli government is torn between the horror of Russian abuses and the danger that Syria poses to Israel. Syria is one of Russia’s greatest allies.

India would certainly have condemned Putin if nearly two-thirds of its weaponry did not come from Russia.

But overall, Putin’s attack helps the United States and its allies break out of an idealistic, judgmental, and decadent political vision.

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