Thailand, Israel and Australia reopen their borders to travelers



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Some countries that have applied restrictions to fight Covid-19 by closing their borders are reopening them on Monday, November 1. This is the case for Israel, Thailand and Australia.

After 18 months of almost total lockdown in Thailand, which had closed its borders in order to fight against Covid-19, the first tourists returned to Phuket on Monday, November 1. They also no longer need to spend two weeks in quarantine: you just need to be vaccinated and take a test on arrival to enjoy the sun and water at 25 ° C. Tourists were eagerly awaited to restart a battered economy. Thai authorities expect 15 million visitors next year, even though the country received 40 million in 2019.

The tourists are also back in Israel, but with an additional condition: checked before leaving the airport, the vaccination must be less than six months old. Otherwise, a reminder will be required. But the joy of traveling and meeting each other fully manifested itself at Sydney Airport, Australia. It is the end of a forced separation for many Australians, stranded abroad for nearly 600 days.

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