Tex claims 1.2 million euros for unfair dismissal: justice has ruled

There are jokes that should be done without and Tex understood it at his expense in 2017. The one who animated “Les Z’amours” for more than fifteen years had to say goodbye to his job after an inappropriate joke about domestic violence during his time in It’s just TV! “Guys, you know what they say to a woman who already has two black eyes? We don’t tell her anything, we’ve already explained to her twice!” he blurted out. From there he was fired.

It’s on the set of TPMP People that the comedian recently tried to defend himself on this subject. “The valves that we make all have, more or less, an educational aspect. It’s complicated to say that, it would amount to explaining the profession of comedian. We don’t make jokes by chance. When there is something that is hot, we have to go there. It’s our job. We are almost obliged to go there, we cannot let it pass. We are used to serve the soup. Let’s laugh at serious things before we have to cry. I don’t think this joke is a mistake. I regret the extent that it takes around a joke, that’s what I regret. I regret the lightness of the time and the fact that we were in a free country. We’re losing it all“ justified Tex.

Justice reacts and decides after Tex’s complaint

Since then, Tex has asked for 1.2 million euros during his trial at the Prud’hommes but his request has been rejected. From there, he chose to appeal this decision. As a reminder, the Paris Court of Appeal had confirmed the dismissal of Tex for serious misconduct. This Wednesday, April 20, the Court of Cassation finally delivered its end to this legal case by explaining in a press release that “the dismissal of a television presenter who made a sexist ‘joke’ was, having regard to various factors, a proportionate sanction which does not constitute an excessive interference with the freedom of expression guaranteed to an employee … the contract the host’s work committed him to respecting the charter of the television channel in charge of broadcasting the programme: this charter required him not to make statements of hatred or contempt on the grounds of sex and not to promote gender-based violence, regardless of the media in which it appears”. What do you think ?


See also: Tex and the overwhelming audios

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