“Tetraplegic for 5 minutes”: Benjamin Castaldi looks back on his serious accident in Corsica

As often in Do not touch My TV, Benjamin Castaldi gladly shared a few anecdotes about his private life on Wednesday April 20, 2022 on C8. The columnist who is used to entertaining the gallery, however, this time evoked a serious and somewhat traumatic subject.

Indeed, while Cyril Hanouna wondered if the personalities around his table had witnessed miracles in their lives, Benjamin Castaldi said he had brushed with death twice and come out of it, but he came close to the worst. “So, I was with my father in Corsica and we really went through this from death. We were on a small boat, with an outboard motor and in fact the helm broke and the boat completely flipped over, there were all the children on it, we could all have died. But here I am, I’m not dead but I was very scared“, he recounted.

And it is once again on the island of beauty that Benjamin Castaldi has more recently avoided the worst. “Not long ago I dived and there was no bottom, I really thought I was going to die. I still remained quadriplegic for five minutesif someone hadn’t jumped out to bring me back to the surface… Because my wife [Aurore Aleman, ndlr] didn’t move… She was very scared. And me, I really thought it was the end“, he remembered, specifying that he had fortunately come out of it with a lot of neck pain.

Despite these unpleasant stories, viewers were undoubtedly delighted to see Benjamin Castaldi on the set of Do not touch My TV after several days of absence. It was on Friday April 15 that he made his comeback. At the controls of 6 to 7, he explained that he simply wanted to take precautions. “I will clarify because Cyril always says that I have viruses. Suddenly I have the Covid suddenly I have the current… It turns out that my wife caught the Covid, so I’m a bit of a contact case. I test myself regularly, there I am far from you, there is no risk!“, he assured.

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