Testimony from Justin Trudeau | “Very unlikely” that Beijing had a political preference

(Ottawa) Justin Trudeau considers it “very unlikely” that the Chinese regime would have had a preference between a Liberal or Conservative government in the 2021 election. Testifying before the Commission on Foreign Interference on Wednesday, the Prime Minister reaffirmed that these are the Canadians alone who determined the outcome of the last election.

China, it was understood in Ottawa, could have a more powerful strike force than Russia in Canada, due to the importance of the Chinese diaspora on Canadian territory. But he was not necessarily given a preference for one or the other of the two major parties, summarized Justin Trudeau before Judge Marie-Josée Hogue, who chairs the proceedings.

“I can certainly say that if representatives [étrangers]on an individual basis, might have expressed a preference, the impression we had, and had consistently, was that the People’s Republic of China would have no… it just seemed very unlikely that the Chinese government in as long as such would have a preference for the election,” he said.

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