Testimonial | What if we talked about those we never talk about?

These days, in our country, the news concerning the health care system (which has not stopped deteriorating for the past 25 years) is not very encouraging.

Posted at 12:00 p.m.

Alain Stanke

Alain Stanke
Journalist, producer and ex-editor

While there is a shortage of family doctors and beds, surgeries are postponed, emergency room wait times still do not improve and a good part of the population still has difficulty accessing care, the government is embroiled in the “refoundation” of the health system.

It is clear that in this area, everything related to kindness, beauty, generosity, compassion, self-sacrifice and joie de vivre do not make the front page of our newspapers. We all face the sad reality without having anything to color it. If Marshall McLuhan is to be believed, the good news is certainly not… news!

But consuming negative information all day long – via newspapers, radio, TV and social networks – is extremely anxiety-provoking. This is why, when you are lucky enough to witness encouraging, positive, comforting news, you should not hesitate to share it.

It turns out that in my life, in any misfortune I have always tried to see reasons not to completely despair. A few weeks ago, my wife, Josette, learned that her heart had sadly reached its finish line. For the first time in her life, she therefore faces a test that does not need to be explained to anyone. Since that day, she has been under palliative care at home. A team from the CLSC de Verdun takes care of her.

The way in which these people take care of his end of life is so exemplary that it has become crucial for me to make it known.

My meeting with this prodigious team of caregivers happened, alas, after the publication of my book Wonders1, without which I would gladly have devoted an entire chapter to it. In my opinion, these exceptional caregivers are part of what the human species has produced that is the most graceful, the most harmonious, the most devoted, the most attentive to others. Their HUGE dedication deserves to be recognized and celebrated by all.

Thank you to nurses Roxane Labelle, Christine Joannette, Julie Laroque, social worker Mitsouko and doctors Eveline Gaillardetz and Geneviève Dechênes, whose devotion knows no bounds.

As proof, this experience will surprise many: Mitsouko is a member of this extraordinary team. She understood long ago that making someone happy was the only snub you could do to death. When this young woman learned that my wife had very much enjoyed a certain dessert that she had been served during her hospitalization at the Heart Institute, she personally went to the hospital (!) and came to tell us about it. bring home as a gift!

You would think you were dreaming.

All the members of this wonderful CLSC team – whom we had the privilege of knowing – are contagious with happiness and love.

Thanks to their presence, their competence, their humanism and their discreet help (“Good makes no noise!”), they relieve the suffering of a very large number of people, discreetly and humility.

What a delight to know that among all the demoralizing events we witness daily there are (still) a few others that manage to reconcile us with human beings.

1. WondersEditions La Presse

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