Testimonial | Thank you, Mrs Stéphanie, thank you, Mr Frédéric

In September 2010, the eldest of our family entered kindergarten, followed by the youngest in 2013. In a few days, the youngest will finish his 6e year, before starting his secondary studies next August.

This means that the neighborhood school has been part of our family life for nearly 13 years. Thirteen years during which a large part of the daily life of our heirs took place inside this somewhat tired building with its fiery orange aluminum cladding.

As an important chapter in the school career of our children closes, we would like to thank two exceptional teachers in particular: Mme Stephanie and Mr. Frédéric.


Etienne, Laurence and Alexandre

It could have been M.me Katia, M.me Navy, M.me Marie-Claude, or Mme Sylvie or Mr. Daniel from the daycare service. Mr. Frederic and Mr.me Stéphanie, however, having taught our three children, we had the privilege of working with them during these 13 years and can testify to their significant legacy.

Mr. Frédéric is the dream physical education teacher. A calm and serene man who advocates the autonomy of children and contributes to their sporting development through pleasure and discipline.

It is he who directs the team sports and takes care of the logistics of the many tournaments.

For several years, Mr. Frédéric kept the school’s circus project at arm’s length, not only by teaching the various circus arts to students, but by creating, with the help of a few colleagues, an end-of-year show. he year when each child enjoyed their moment of glory, under the proud and moved parental gaze.

It is still Mr. Frédéric who, each year on Halloween, transforms the school gymnasium into a haunted house, allowing the children to fully experience the joys and fears of this annual celebration.

Mme Stéphanie is a teacher of 4e year, a pivotal stage in the primary course. Herself a mother of four children, she shines with her dynamism, her enthusiasm, her passion for teaching and her unique way of always finding solutions, even to complex problems.

She has the gift of igniting the flame of motivation in each child and of making everyone’s talents and qualities shine, which galvanizes their confidence and self-esteem.

Mme Stéphanie and Mr. Frédéric are among those teachers who embody the vocation associated with the teaching profession and who, in order to promote the development of their students, never hesitate to go well beyond the list of tasks assigned to them. is entrusted.

The schools of Quebec are full of Messrs. Frédéric and Ms. Stéphanie, dedicated professionals who often face a headwind and who sometimes have to row against the current in front of the bureaucratic ship in order to breathe a little innovation and creativity into our schools.

Mme Stéphanie, Mr. Frédéric and all the school staff, it was a privilege to team up with you to support our children in their primary school career and we thank you for the precious life lessons transmitted. When the bell rings on June 22, we will have to nurture and cherish the beautiful memories of these 13 years at École Charles-Bruneau.

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