Testimonial | My turn to re-enchant our world

My job as a restaurant waitress not only made me who I am, but also allowed me to be an exemplary citizen. A marriage, a house, a family, social involvement and all that ensues. I managed to get through all this while avoiding the difficulties recognized in my job: alcoholism, divorce, nutrition problems and more than atypical schedules. I also followed in good faith the multiple rules imposed during the pandemic.

Posted at 12:00 p.m.

Eve Couture

Eve Couture
A dedicated waitress

When the restaurants reopened at the end of May 2021, you could feel the energy and the hope of my whole company. And everyone who came to eat at my table reminded me how wonderful my job as a waitress is, how essential it is in my world, in my society as a meeting place.

On the other hand, with this reopening, we feel that we have lost a lot: people have less energy, have lost their habits, fear proximity. We now receive people in restaurants who seem distant and tired. I feel that they have no more energy to give, neither compliments nor good words.

Normally, there is a mutual generosity between a waitress and the people at the table, which is the basis of the gastronomic experience. My job is to take this generosity and multiply it by a thousand in order to set the mood throughout the room. Today, in the absence of this generosity, how can I transmit it?

The beauty of the world has faded somewhat in the past two years. There is a whole world to rebuild, links to be re-established urgently. Thanks to my job, I feel it’s my turn to be on the front line to re-enchant our world.

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