Testimonial | I have seen the angels

I chose to write to you today to tell you that life can change at any moment.

Posted yesterday at 3:00 p.m.

Jocelyne Boudreault

Jocelyne Boudreault
CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

On July 29, I was rushed to hospital by ambulance with what I thought was a stroke. It was finally a completely different diagnosis that awaited me.

In the days leading up to this difficult ordeal, I was preparing my return to work in media relations at the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, a job I have held for nearly 20 years.

My return will ultimately never take place, because I was told that I have stage 4 lung cancer, with metastases to the brain. We initially thought it was a stroke.

As soon as I arrived at the Laurentian Hospital in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, in the Laurentians, I was immediately taken care of with professionalism and compassion by the teams on site.

They saved my life at that moment.

I also received indescribable support from members of my family, my husband Richard, my friends and my colleagues, who were all flabbergasted by the difficult diagnosis that was announced to me.

I was hospitalized for two weeks.

During my stay, I received care of exceptional quality. Despite the news I had just received, I was enveloped in a feeling of well-being. I felt supported when I needed it most. This support, at a crucial moment in my life, helped me to accept this terrible news that had just been announced to me.

I consider myself blessed to have been cared for and supported by the staff in place, dedicated and committed people. Thank you all.

Special thanks to D.D Arianne Lalonde, Dr Pierre-Olivier Lebel and social worker Shana Vanderkam, all three from the Laurentian hospital in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, a CISSS des Laurentides establishment.

I have spent my life working to publicize the work of people in the health network. When I needed them the most, they were there for me. Thanks.

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