Testicular pain


What is it about ?

Testicular pain can have different causes, both in the testicle itself and related structures, such as the epididymis and blood vessels:

  • In case of testicular torsion, the testicle wraps around the spermatic cord, which stops the flow of blood to the testicle. This is an emergency situation because the testicle can necrode.
  • THE’epididymitis is a bacterial infection of the epididymis. The germs are the same as those responsible for urinary tract infections or sexually transmitted infections. Infection is also common after insertion of a bladder catheter.
  • The mumps virus was once the main agent responsible for inflammation of the testis (orchitis) but it has practically disappeared since the routine vaccination against mumps.
  • A varicocele is a varicose vein on the testicle.

How to recognize the cause of the pain?

In the case of a testicular torsion, the pain begins in the lower abdomen before spreading, much later, into the testicle. Swelling appears in the scrotum on one side only. The testicle rises a little and is positioned a little horizontally. The phenomenon mainly affects young men under the age of 20.

In the case of inflammation of the epididymis (epididymitis), you feel a painful cord on your testicle, which may also be tender. The scrotum is sometimes swollen, red, and hot. You may experience some complaints when urinating, such as pain, burning, and frequent urge to urinate, but in small amounts. You may mistakenly think it is cystitis.

In the case of inflammation of the testicle (orchitis), the testicle is swollen and painful.

In the case of a varicocele, finally, a varicose vein is clearly visible on the left side. The diagnosis is sometimes made during a checkup for fertility problems.

How is the diagnosis made?

Most often, the doctor makes the diagnosis on the basis of symptoms and examination of the testicles. A urine test is always done, as well as a possible blood test for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and mumps. Sometimes an ultrasound of the scrotum is requested. If in any doubt, the doctor will refer you to the specialist (urologist) for some additional examinations.

What can you do ?

In case of testicular pain, contact a doctor as soon as possible to rule out a torsion. Remember that a twist can cause irreversible damage to the testicle.

What can your doctor do?

If he finds a torsion, the doctor will refer you to an emergency service; rapid surgery should save the testicle.

In children,epididymitis is often viral and can heal on its own. In all other cases, an antibiotic is indicated. The type of antibiotic depends on the responsible microbe. If the culprit is a sexually transmitted infection (STI), you may be offered further tests for other STIs. An anti-inflammatory can help relieve pain. Applying cold compresses and wearing supportive briefs can decrease pain.

In the presence of a varicocele, you will be referred to a urologist. Varicose veins on the testicles can be treated with a small procedure.

Want to know more?


Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Testicular pain’ (2000), updated on 22.08.2016 and adapted to the Belgian context on 13.03.2018 – ebpracticenet

