Tested positive for COVID-19 | Isabelle Huppert absent for her Golden Bear

(Berlin) French actress Isabelle Huppert, who was to receive the Golden Bear of Honor at the Berlinale on Tuesday for her entire career, will not be able to travel to the German capital, having been declared positive at the COVID-19, the organizers announced on Monday evening.

Posted at 9:11 a.m.

The actress, “was declared positive (Monday) for the coronavirus in Paris and will therefore not be able to attend the international film festival” whose competition is held until Wednesday, according to a press release.

“Given that Isabelle Huppert does not feel sick and wishes to support the festival”, the ceremony for the presentation of the Golden Bear of Honor is maintained on Tuesday evening, but with a video intervention by the French star, also at the poster of a film out of competition, About Joan of Laurent Larivière, he adds.

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