Tested positive for cannabis, Hugo Nogam accuses a police officer of having imitated his signature

The producer and singer Hugo Nogamknown for his collaborations with Dadju and Ninho in particular, was arrested by the police on December 26 and deprived of his driving licence. The fault of a positive cannabis control while driving on the A10 motorway near Monnaie (Indre-et-Loire). Something that the producer refuted”impossible, since I don’t smokeSince then, the singer has filed a complaint to contest this sanction and has submitted to a saliva test to confirm his good faith and the validity of his remarks. In addition, he accuses a police officer of having imitated his signature. went back on its judicial entanglements to The Parisian.

I told them that I needed it [de son permis de conduire], that I often worked at night in the studio and that I crossed Île-de-France for my work, that I wanted a second opinion. But they replied that a second saliva test was going to be sent to the laboratory and that when I receive a letter telling me the result in 5 days, I will then only have the right to contest by asking for a take of blood. I realized afterwards that it was completely false. I never received a letter 5 days later. But, at the time, as I don’t know anything about it, I didn’t suspect anything.” he explained to our colleagues.

Hugo Nogam then had to wait on a motorway service area for relatives to pick him up to continue his journey. He said he went the next day to the gendarmerie to challenge the statement made by the police the day before. It is there that he realizes that he has been deceived. “The policeman who answers me assures me that this counter-expertise must be done the same day with the people who checked me. I’m surprised, I tell him that I don’t understand because his colleagues told me the opposite” he explained to the Parisian before stating that the constable told him, “anyway, you won’t be able to do anything because you have signed a paper stating that you waive the blood test.

While the latter denies having signed this famous document and that he found that the signature was an imitation of his, he now hopes to be compensated: “What I want above all is to get my license back quickly and not wait six months. But I would also like the investigation or the graphological study to prove that there was a forgery. To put an end to the behavior of this policeman. May he not cause any more victims.

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