Test the “old fashioned” date!

Technology authorized until D-Day!

Obviously, the ideal would be that you meet your date in a small bar in the neighborhood. But life being what it is, sometimes there’s nothing to get your teeth into. You are therefore allowed to contact someone on dating sites, but be careful, he or she must not give you their identity, just their first name, so that you cannot search for information on the Web. Once the appointment is made, you will definitely do without the phone.

In the meantime…

So you have an appointment under the Saint-Michel fountain at 8 p.m., like grandpa and grandma. The phone stayed at home, no way to have a temptation to play Candy Crush to wait. This is fully part of the game, because before, we had to wait without any other entertainment. And that increases the pressure, which is always more exciting than “where are you?” in bursts on a screen. So, will come, won’t come? This uncertainty is unbearable, but full of promise!

The encounter

As you know nothing about him, everything is to be discovered! And without calls or SMS to interfere with your exchange. You’ll see, it’s a pure joy not to hear anything vibrate for even an hour and a half! In addition, it obviously allows you to better connect with the other. But it’s also risky, because it’s sometimes very practical to take refuge behind your phone pretending to be calling. If you want to leave, you will have to tell him! And by the way, hail a taxi in the street.

The conclusion

After Monsieur has paid the bill, it goes without saying, well you go home! Yes, we didn’t often do somersaults on the first night in 1950. It can be extremely frustrating, but if so, it means you had a great night. And that the next time, yes – because we don’t ask you to wait until you’re married to copulate, it’s just a game anyway – it will be a party on your sofa!

#LOL 3 Flirting techniques to definitely forget 1 // Kick in the funfair punch 2 // You, less than a 50 shades of Gray evening 3 //Sing under your windows, except Bradley Cooper


A game to get to the bottom of things

Addressing some sexual issues can be tricky. Try sodomy, threesomes, talk about nudity, fantasies… all of this will be made easier for you by Dis-cul-tons, a game created by Léa, from the Insta account Merci Beaucul and published by a gaming brand feminist and inclusive. The questions lead to real reflections, which in no way prevents you from taking action! Dis-cul-ton, Gender Games, 25 € on playgendergames.com

Daddy still has Tor Do you want to spoil your man for Father’s Day… And treat yourself at the same time? The new version of the vibrating ring from lelo is definitely made for you! Designed by Diesel, this little gem of ultra-trendy technology increases sensations tenfold thanks to its powerful vibrations, both for you and for him. All this by prolonging the erection and delaying the ejaculation of Mr. What could be better ? Tor 2, Lelo x Diesel, 150 € on lelo.com

See also: Sexo video: Doctor Sylvain Mimoun: All you need to know about the female orgasm

Anabelle Gentez

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