Tesla delivered more than a million vehicles in one year

(New York) The American manufacturer of high-end electric vehicles Tesla has delivered more than a million vehicles over the past 12 months, according to figures released on Saturday, a first.

Posted at 3:09 p.m.

Over the period from April 2021 to March 2022, CEO Elon Musk’s group put 1.06 million cars into circulation.

Deliveries are considered the closest indicator to the sales figures published by other manufacturers.

As for the first quarter of 2022 alone, Tesla delivered 310,048 vehicles, which is 67% more than for the same period of 2021.

Growth has nevertheless slowed sharply in recent months, with the Austin (Texas) company only recording an increase of 0.4% compared to the fourth quarter of 2021.

The first-quarter shipments figure fell short of analysts’ expectations of 317,000, according to a consensus compiled by FactSet.

“It’s been an exceptionally difficult quarter, due to supply chain disruptions and China’s ‘zero COVID-19’ policy,” Elon Musk tweeted in reference to containment measures. drastic measures taken by the Chinese authorities.

Tesla mentioned, in the press release published on Saturday, factory closures.

“The key subcontractors saved the day for us”, explained Elon Musk, who also praised “the tremendous work of the Tesla teams”.

The number of vehicles produced is also slightly down on the previous quarter (-0.1%).

However, Tesla is doing relatively better than its competitors from the current production constraints, which affect the entire automotive industry.

Toyota saw its sales decline by 23.5% in volume in North America in the first quarter, compared to the same period of the previous year, and by 26.3% in value.

General Motors reported to him on Friday a drop of 20.1% in volume.

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