TERRINE de la MER for serene, joyful and tasty celebrations!


A recipe that “throws in”, perfect for the Holidays but also for other days! White and orange fish make a perfect duo!

* Why white fish? Because once mixed, its flesh is floury and so there is no need to add eggs.

Small individual molds or a large family mold for this recipe. This terrine can also be eaten cold with mayonnaise.

Per person :

80 g white fish fillet * stripped of the bones and cut into pieces

2 tbsp of milk

Salt and pepper

1 tsp chopped parsley

½ peeled garlic clove.

For the sauce, ½ peeled and grated carrot

juice of 1/2 orange

Salt and pepper

½ tsp of butter.

For baking, baking paper

For the decoration, thin half-slices of orange

In the mixer bowl, put the fish, milk, parsley and garlic and mix until you get a smooth paste. Season with salt and pepper and mix again. Line molds with parchment paper and divide the preparation inside. Bake without preheating and cook for 20 min Th 7 (210 °). Meanwhile, in a saucepan place the carrot, salt and pepper, add water to the height and cook over high heat until the water has completely evaporated (BE CAREFUL of cooking!). Then add the orange juice and mix. Season with salt and pepper, add the butter and heat gently. Once the terrines are cooked, unmold them immediately, serve them with the sauce and decorate with the oranges.

Nice cuisine to all, Régine

source site-35