tensions rise at the border between Russia and Ukraine




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Tensions are mounting on the border between Ukraine and Russia, as Vladimir Putin’s troops are deployed close to Ukrainian territory. A situation that has worsened for many years, and that explains Jean Chamoulaud, journalist France Télévisions.

The situation between Russia and Ukraine is worsening sharply. In recent days, deployments of Russian armed troops have been witnessed by the Ukrainians and the Americans. A positioning that suggests “an aggressive act, against Ukraine, imminent”, note Jean Chamoulaud, journalist France Télévisions. Almost 115,000 soldiers Russians would be disposed near the border, which worries NATO.

Former socialist republic between 1919 and 1991, Ukraine becomes independent but remained under the bosom of Moscow until the Orange Revolution of 2004. From that date, Ukraine gradually turned to the West, to Russia’s chagrin. Ten years later, the Russians went on the offensive and invaded Crimea and Lugansk, “predominantly Russian-speaking regions” indicates the journalist France Télévisions. The Russians fear that Ukraine will join NATO, which would provide them with a certain military security.


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