Tensions in the Franco-German couple, resignation of Liz Truss… the informed of the morning of Friday, October 21

Around Lorrain Sénéchal and Renaud Dély, the informed of franceinfo debate the news of Friday October 21, 2022.

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Reading time : 1 min.

The themes

The subjects of disagreements accumulate between Paris and Berlin, to the point that the two capitals canceled a Franco-German council of ministers to replace it with a one-on-one between Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz. Why so many disagreements between the two leaders?

Liz Truss resigned of her post as British Prime Minister, after only 44 days at 10 Downing Street. The United Kingdom is sinking into crisis.

The guests

Julie Marie Lecontehead of the political department of franceinfo

Guillaume Daretjournalist in the political department of France Télévisions

Jean-Marc Fourcolumnist for the international editorial staff of Radio France


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