tension remains high between Poland and Belarus



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As every evening, the 11pm takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s’Eurozapping from Friday 19 November.

Between Poland and Belarus, the tension is not weakening on the migration issue. New attempts to cross have taken place in recent hours. According to Warsaw (Poland), nearly 500 migrants tried to force the border. Poland maintains its accusations against Belarus and claims that the regime in Minsk (Belarus) is deliberately sending migrants to its territory. A position shared by NATO. This migration crisis worries Ukraine, which has announced that the military could shoot migrants if they try to cross the border between Ukraine and Belarus.

In the Canaries (Spain), two migrants lost their lives after the sinking of their makeshift boat. The Spanish coastguard was able to save the lives of thirty people. Since the start of the year, 900 people have lost their lives trying to reach Spain via the Mediterranean.


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