tension mounts between London and Paris



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Two days after the death of 27 migrants attempting to cross between Calais and England, tension increased between the two camps. Maëlys September, journalist France Televisions in London, reports the facts.

After the human drama, the political consequences. Two days after the tragedy that caused the death of 27 migrants off Calais (Pas-de-Calais), England and France are blaming each other. A rise in tensions which causes the cancellation of the visit of the British Minister of the Interior in Calais. Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister, notably published a letter, in which he gives several ideas on the subject of migrants, including the possible return of migrants who arrived in England to France.

A decision that is criticized by Gerald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior. “The Minister of the Interior considers the letter disappointing, and that having made it public ‘is even worse'”, specifies Maëlys September, journalist France Télévisions present in London. Emmanuel Macron also spoke with half a word, evoking the English method, without however quoting the British, during a speech in Rome (Italy), Friday November 26.


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