Tension mounts as another Trump appearance nears

The tone is rising in the close guard of ex-president Donald Trump where several voices have been calling for a few days for the mobilization, in the street, of his supporters to oppose his appearance on Tuesday in a Miami court. The populist must face charges there for having illegally preserved and above all exposed secret government documents after his defeat and his departure from the White House. A historic indictment.

Last week, the fallen candidate for the post of governor of Arizona, Kari Lake – approached by several observers as a possible running mate of Donald Trump for the presidential election of 2024 -, went even further, by warning the authorities , with barely veiled words, on the possible use of weapons in the demonstrations that could occur.

“If you want to get to President Trump, you’re going to have to run over me and over 75 million Americans like me,” she said Friday to the galvanized crowd at a Republican political rally in Georgia. “Most of us have an NRA card. [la National Rifle Association, organisation majeure du lobby pro-arme à feu aux États-Unis]. “And to add:” This is not a threat, it is a public service announcement. »

Attack to defend

Attack to defend. On Sunday, this is the strategy that the former American president has advocated for the umpteenth time by describing as “mentally ill” the special counsel for the Department of Justice, Jack Smith, whose instruction in recent months has led to the this indictment. He also reduced the team of lawyers around Mr. Smith to a group of “thugs” fueling a “political persecution” of which the former reality TV star regularly claims, without proof, to be the victim.

Donald Trump also called on his troops to bend their chests as he approached his appearance. “We need strength in our country now,” he said on WABC Radio on Saturday, alongside his friend and adviser Roger Stone, who holds one of the microphones there. “And they have to come out and they have to protest peacefully. They must get out, ”added the ex-president, calling out to people outraged by this new incriminating case. “Listen, our country must protest. […] We are losing everything. »

On Monday, federal authorities, like the Florida police department, continued preparations to secure the environment around the Miami courthouse, where Donald Trump is due to appear on Tuesday afternoon.

radical right

The ex-president, currently in New Jersey, was preparing to return to Florida on Monday afternoon, where several groups linked to the American radical right were preparing to welcome him in support.

According to CNN, the local cell of the Proud Boys in Florida should hold a political rally in the evening near the Trump National Doral, the golf club of the billionaire located in the western suburbs of Miami. The small group, nationalist and supremacist, stood out for its violence during the insurrection of Trump supporters against the Capitol, on January 6, 2021, in an attempt to keep the populist in office in the White House, against the will ballot boxes. In early May, ex-Proud Boys leader Henry “Enrique” Tarrio was convicted of seditious conspiracy before a jury by a Washington court for this attack on the dome of American democracy.

Kari Lake, for her part, announced a rally on Monday night at a hotel in Palm Springs, near Mar-a-Lago, to express her support for the ex-president.

According to legal documents released on Friday, Donald Trump will face 37 charges, including 31 that allege he deliberately kept classified documents in his possession after leaving the White House.

Last April, Donald Trump’s appearance in a New York court to face charges of bribing a witness in a sex scandal stoked fears of violent demonstrations that did not occur.

Despite the concert of support and calls for resistance launched by supporters of Donald Trump, some of his former allies avoid fueling the discourse seeking to “victimize” the populist to stir up the anger of his faithful.

Worse, his ex-attorney general, William Barr, on Sunday on Fox News called this posture, like Trump’s “witch hunt” accusations against the United States justice system, “ridiculous”. . He also recalled that the billionaire had no right to keep secret files that could compromise the security of the country in his private residence.

The investigation revealed, among other things, that these documents ended up in public areas, including a ballroom, of Trump’s private residence, as well as a restroom and bathroom. “If only half [des accusations] are founded, he is cooked, ”he said speaking of the documents unveiled on Friday. “It’s a very detailed indictment, and it’s very, very damning. »

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