Around Bérengère Bonte, those informed debate the news of May 20, 2024.
Reading time: 56 min

The themes :
The situation remains tense in New Caledonia : despite numerous roadblocks being lifted, the city of Nouméa is still “under siege”, declares the city’s mayor. Emmanuel Macron convened a new defense council.
Disappearance of Jean Claude Gaudin: the former mayor of Marseille, for 25 years, died at the age of 84.
Death of Iranian president : the death ofEbrahim Raïssi was confirmed, his body was found Monday May 20 at the scene of a helicopter crash. Five days of national mourning have been declared by Iran’s supreme leader and new elections will be held in 50 days.
The informed:
Franck Bouaziz, economic journalist at Libération
Patricia Allémonière, grand reporter, specialist in international issues, who has covered all the major conflicts for TF1 and author of the book “At the heart of chaos” published by Arthaud
Stéphane Robert, head of the political department of the France Culture editorial team
Fariba Hachtroudi, Franco-Iranian writer and journalist and president of the Mohsen association. Author of the book “Ali, the forbidden word”, published by Erick Bonnier
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