Tense National Day | ‘I have no intention of leaving,’ says Joe Biden

(Washington) Joe Biden has “no intention of leaving”: the American president continued on Thursday to brave a political storm of unprecedented violence, triggered by his poor debate a week ago against Donald Trump.

At a White House reception for the American Independence Day, one person in the audience called out to the American president: “Keep fighting!”, who responded: “I have no intention of leaving.”

The exchange took place after a very brief speech on a teleprompter, when the 81-year-old Democrat, who absolutely must reassure people about his cognitive abilities, grabbed a microphone to spontaneously address the audience, made up of military personnel and their families.

The American president, who is accustomed to gaffes, but whose slightest risky statement is now noted, also told a difficult-to-follow anecdote about traffic jams on the highways.


President Joe Biden greets service members during a reception at the White House.

A little later, Joe Biden, clearly eager to project the image of an energetic and serene leader, reappeared smiling on a large stage. He called out a spirited “Happy Fourth of July” to the crowd gathered on the lawns of the White House for the traditional fireworks.

He made a very short statement, again without a teleprompter, saying in part: “We must do what the founding fathers did, show the world that we are a nation of dignity, of honor, of dedication to one another.”

” Extraordinary ”

Vice President Kamala Harris, until now a running mate of unfailing loyalty despite speculation about her possible presidential destiny, had just before presented him, in a strong voice, as “the extraordinary president of the United States.”


Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States

It will take more than that to dispel doubts about Joe Biden’s ability to win the election and govern for four more years if he does.

According to CNN and the New York Times On Thursday, citing unnamed sources, the president said he would sleep more and not schedule any more events after 8 p.m., during a meeting with Democratic governors.

However, they promised him their “support” after the meeting on Wednesday, in front of the cameras.

THE New York Magazine For its part, on Thursday, it mentioned the emotion of “long-time friends of the Biden family” – also anonymous – realizing that Joe Biden had forgotten their names.

” Bad ”

“I was bad in a debate,” the man himself admitted again during an interview with a local Pennsylvania radio station broadcast Thursday morning.

The White House justified Joe Biden’s disastrous performance during the debate – staring into space, slurred sentences – by “a cold” and “jet lag” from international travel.

Having initially remained rather withdrawn in the face of his opponent’s setbacks, Donald Trump returned to a more aggressive tone on Thursday.


Donald Trump

The Republican billionaire posted a video of himself riding in a golf cart, bragging about “wiping out that good-for-nothing old scumbag” in the televised duel.

He also challenged Joe Biden to have another debate, but “just the two of us on stage,” in order to “prove his abilities.” “What a great night that would be,” he added.

Crucial interview

To truly reassure, Joe Biden must prove his ability to speak without a safety net.

He will have the opportunity during an interview with ABC, which will be broadcast on Friday evening and which is already considered a crucial test, as is the press conference promised by the American president next week.

On the campaign front, Joe Biden will be in Madison, in the decisive state of Wisconsin, on Friday.

Two Democratic lawmakers this week openly called for a more capable candidate.

The British magazine The Economist also asked Joe Biden to step down on Thursday, with the support of a murderous illustration of a walking frame decorated with the presidential seal.

The Republican billionaire, who has initially remained relatively discreet, published a video on his Truth Social network on Wednesday night, showing himself on a golf cart and speaking to unidentified people.

Two polls released Wednesday showed Donald Trump has a clear lead in national voting intentions.

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