tense face to face with columnists in TPMP

After appearing on the show “Large families, life in XXL” for three years on TF1, Amandine Pellissard recently announced that she was leaving the program that propelled her into the spotlight. If the mother of the family lives today from the product placements she makes on social networks, she has decided not to completely cut off the cameras and to embark on a rather daring adventure with her husband…

This Tuesday, January 17, 2023, Amandine Pellissard and her husband Alexandre have indeed announced their intention to embark on the world of X. The young parents have thus embarked on the “Mym” platform where subscribers can make hot requests to them. and sexy but also on Swame, a “private” network for adults to which Internet users have access through a purchase or a subscription.

“A little spice in the couple”
Mother of eight children who are between 17 and 3 years old, Amandine Pellissard quickly found herself the target of criticism from Internet users and justified herself at the microphone of Jeremstar: “The two are finally compatible, we must stop! Before being a mother I am a woman and my children I did not make them by looking my husband in the eyes”.

“There is no harm in doing good and frankly, it puts a little spice in the couple… Alexandre going to be on the crutch until tomorrow morning. Here, it will be unmanageable this Chabite. Holy rascal!” she then released on social networks this Sunday, January 15, 2023.

Our children are brought up with freedom of speech and thought.”
To respond to the controversy, the 33-year-old young mother responded to Cyril Hanouna’s invitation and was on Thursday January 19, 2023 on the TPMP set. Faced with somewhat skeptical columnists and above all worried about the eight children, Amandine Pellissard tried to justify herself once again and assured that her children and especially the oldest, who is 17, is not embarrassed by the new activity of his parents.

“If your children have access to Google, we have parental controls! I control everything! Our children are raised with freedom of speech and thought.” she chanted.


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