tense face-to-face between migrants and Polish law enforcement


France 3

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Diplomatic tension continues to crystallize in the migration crisis on the border between Poland and Belarus. Mon november 16, clashes took place between polish security forces and migrants.

In recent weeks, diplomatic tension has been at its height enter here Poland and Belarus, the first accusing the second of knowingly letting migrants pass. The situation, very tense, exploded Tuesday, November 16. Migrants clashed with Polish law enforcement. Julian Gasparutto, journalist for France Télévisions live from the border made the point for the JT from 19/20.

If the situation seemed very worrying, on the morning of November 16, it seems to have cooled down at the end of the day. “VSIn the morning, the situation really escalated as hundreds of migrants tried again to cross this border armed with stones. They attacked the Polish soldiers and police who were on the other side. […] They retaliated with water cannons and tear gas“, says the reporter. The international community said “shocked“, by these clashes”very violent“, he reports. The Europeans continue to accuse Belarus of instrumentalizing these migrants, while the Russians have condemned the attitude of the Poles.“, Explain Julian Gasparutto.

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