tenniswoman Peng Shuai remains untraceable



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For sixteen days, Peng Shuai, a Chinese tenniswoman, has not given any sign of life. In a letter posted on social media, she accused Zhang Gaoli, former Chinese vice premier of Xi Jinping, of raping her.

It still remains untraceable Thursday, November 18. The disappearance of Peng Shuai has turned the world of tennis upside down: great figures in this sport are worried about it. “I am devastated and shocked to hear the news from my comrade Peng Shuai. I hope she is safe and will be found as soon as possible.”, says Serena Williams. Since she posted a letter on social media accusing Zhang Gaoli, former Chinese vice premier of Xi Jinping, of raping her, she has not appeared in public. The message was quickly removed from screens and her account was also gone.

Chinese state media relayed an enigmatic message attributed to Peng Shuai. “The information regarding the sexual assault charge is false. I am neither missing nor in danger. I was just resting at home, everything is fine.”, is it written in it. The Chinese foreign spokesperson refused to raise this controversy. This type of disappearance is not a first in China. Former director of Interpol, Meng Hongwei disappeared in 2018 before reappearing in 2019 and was sentenced to 13 and a half years in prison for corruption. A refugee in France, his wife, Grace Meng, has had no news since. “Today, I don’t know if he’s still alive”, she confides.


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