tender statement and rare shot of the son of Patrick Bruel and Amanda Sthers for his 17th birthday

Love, he has known how to sing it for many years. And if he knows how to evoke this feeling aloud, Patrick Bruel also knows how to write it very well, as evidenced by his tender declaration addressed to his son Léon. His boy, the fruit of his love with Amanda Sthers, who celebrated his 17th birthday this Wednesday, September 28. The opportunity for the performer to Who has the right to confess her feelings to him and thank him for the happiness he had brought her since his arrival in the world.

“My Leon. 17 years old… of love, of complicity, of sharing, of bursts of laughter… And then this look so beautiful that people have on you is only the reflection of what you are, one of the most beautiful people I have ever met… Your journey will be beautiful. Proud to be your dad. Happy birthday. I love you”wrote Patrick Bruel on his Instagram account, no doubt moved when he tapped on his smartphone to write on his screen the feelings they have had for seventeen years with regard to “the most beautiful person he has ever met”.

Dad and son accomplices

For her part, Amanda Sthers, the ex-wife of Patrick Bruel, seized, too, her most beautiful pen to congratulate her boy on reaching one of the most beautiful age. “And on September 28, 2005 my heart grew even bigger… Léon arrived”she wrote before adding: “it was snack time, and it suited him well. Sweet but determined, sunny, generous, artistic, so complicit with his big brother. Léon, you can’t wait to be at the age of possibilities… Take advantage of the promises quivering, time goes by in an instant… but how beautiful it is near you. Happy birthday, my Léon!”

If Amanda Sthers chose a nostalgic shot for her statement, Patrick Bruel opted for a current photo, which probably dates from the year that has just passed, as evidenced by the physique displayed by the two men. in the chosen shot.

See also: “You ruined my career!”, the strong message sent by Patrick Bruel to his mother in full live, in “C à vous”!


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