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Main concern of the French, purchasing power could still be impacted. The government has allowed landlords to raise rents by 3.5%.
Rent is the biggest item of expenditure for the French. This is why some were calling for an outright freeze on rents. This idea was rejected by the executive who points out that the owners are also impacted by inflation. The government has therefore authorized landlords to increase rents up to 3.5% of the current price. A news that is difficult to pass for many tenants.
For an apartment rented for 500 euros per month, this could add up to 210 euros more per year. Similarly, for a house at 900 euros per month, this would amount to an increase of 378 euros per year. These increases are deplored by some associations. For them, in the face of inflation, it would have been necessary, on the contrary, to freeze the price of rents. They fear an explosion of unpaid rents. To compensate for this increase in rents, the government plans to increase the APL by 3.5%.