ten years of reign of Kim Jong-un




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Ten years ago, Kim Jong-un succeeded his father Kim Jong-il as head of North Korea. While he seemed to want to open his country upon his arrival, this period seems over and the country is going through a phase of recession, isolated from the rest of the world.

On Friday, December 17, North Korea paused for three minutes in order tohonor kim’s memory Jong il, the former North Korean leader, who died ten years ago. All day, North Koreans have planted germs on the Kim statue Jong-il and his father Kim He-sung. Residents of the capital, Pyongyang, sang the praises of North Korean leaders, symbols of state propaganda:The image of our great general shines brightly in our minds, like the sun“.

After 17 years of reign, Kim Jong il succumbed to a heart attack in December 2011. His son Kim-Jong-one takes the head of the country and gives the image of a man more open and attached to the reunification of the two Koreas. Quickly, the young dictator imposed his authority with brutality. In 2013, he had his uncle executed for treason and increased nuclear tests. According to him, his ballistic missiles can reach any point in the United States. With this diplomacy based on the nuclear threat, sanctions fall on the North Korean regime. In 2018, Kim Jong-un meets Donald Trump, President of the United States at the time. Despite Donald Trump’s laudatory speech towards Kim Jong-un, any agreement will not be found. North Korea is said to have 60 nuclear bombs. AT 37 years old, Kim Jong-un more than ever wields undivided power.

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