Of the ten escapees, three were arrested shortly after in the police academy where the Administrative Detention Center is located and were placed in police custody.
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Ten migrants escaped on the night of Monday April 8 to Tuesday April 9 from the Administrative Detention Center (CRA) in Oissel, in Seine-Maritime, according to information from France Bleu Normandie obtained from police sources and from the department prefecture. .
These ten migrants passed through the center’s promenade, according to a police source. They used sheets stretched between the window grilles so they could climb the walls. “They then broke the protective net and fled”continues this source.
Of the ten escapees, three were arrested shortly after in the police academy and taken into police custody. The other seven are wanted throughout the national territory, indicates the prefecture of Seine-Maritime. Their report was distributed to all police and gendarmerie personnel.
According to the prefecture, measures have been taken to reinforce patrols of the CRA and the interdepartmental direction of the national police inside and outside the site.